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Comfort Nest Blog

Love is How We Live

February is the month of Love. 

I couldn't do better at explaining love than the words in Corinthians do. 

Love is how we live.

As a mom of six, I thought if I could teach my children to be loving & kind, then most of my job was done. 

A framed picture of the words of love from Corinthians hung on a wall in our home. It was the best child rearing tool I ever found. Before they could read, I would read it to them. As they grew up, I would have them stand in front of it and read it out loud when they misbehaved. I told them to stop when they got to the one thing they were not doing and tell me. Sometimes they were impatient, sometimes unkind, rude, or angry. These words taught them what love looked like in actions and words. I am blessed to say, my children became adults who are loving and kind. 

They learned that love is not a feeling, it is how we live.

Valentines makes us think of chocolates and roses. However, February can be difficult for people who are disappointed in love, feeling lonely or dealing with sickness. This is the perfect time to make someone feel special. Valentines Day isn't just for romantic love. Let others know you are thinking of them. There is always someone you can give comfort and love to: a friend dealing with heartbreak, an overwhelmed mama, a college student missing home, or an elderly family member. 

Who can you share love, comfort and kindness with this Valentine's Day?

"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love." Mother Teresa


Thank you for being a part of The Comfort Nest! Be Comfort Strong - the best place to feather your nest and get the comfort you deserve is at Comfort Silkie

Back to School - Be Smart - Do Comfort

Be Smart – Do ComfortFrom preschool to college, school brings its' own stress.Comfort Silkie helps you be healthier, smarter and stronger.Brain scans show that comfort has a critical impact on how the mind transfers and stores information.Be good to your brain – do comfort. Comfort Routines:Help the body and mind reset and renew.Comfort Relaxation and Breathing: Curl up [...]

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MAN Comfort!

If your man isn’t using Comfort Silkie – order him some now!We hear stories all the time about hubbies stealing their wife’s Comfort Silkie pillows, throws and even shawls :)You know how wonderful it feels to just snuggle in and let go into comfort. These hard working men need the same kind of relaxation. Often they [...]

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Mother's Day Give Away - Be Comfort Strong

We love you Mama! You deserve to be celebrated.Win one of our Mother's Day Give Aways!Send us  a photo of you or your kids with your Comfort Silkies and tell us your story.Send to: contact@comfortsilkie.comOr post on instagram and tag @comfortsilkie The power of comfort is real. Baby yourself with comfort and soothe away your exhaustion, anxieties [...]

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Embrace Spring - Snuggle in, Dream, Believe in New Beginnings

Snuggle in to Comfort Silkie, dream, and believe in new beginnings.Spring reminds us that new things can happen. Dreams that we have buried can come alive. Like the seeds and bulbs that lay dormant under the snow, your dreams can still spring forth. Make time for comfort moments to dream and list the things you have tucked away in your [...]

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The Comfort of A New Year

The Comfort of a New YearCelebrate snuggling into this New Year and find the comfort of…Knowing you have a whole year stretching out before you.Don’t look back in regret but move forward in anticipation.If you are super organized and already have your year all planned out, this blog may not be for you. But for the rest [...]

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Christmas Wishes

Wish - a desire for something to happen or be done : an act of thinking about something that you want and hoping that you will get it or that it will happen. A few years ago, my son-in-law gave me a darling Christmas tin with the wording, Christmas Wishes. It became a favorite thing and I have used [...]

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Christmas Wonder - The Light of the World

The Light of the World I can’t wait to put up the Christmas lights. Twinkly and white and magical, it is a wonderful feeling. The evening darkness comes so early in December and is the perfect back drop to the glowing lights. I have collected special Christmas items over the years and fill the house with [...]

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Our Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions. And the BEST Pumpkin Bar Recipe!

GATHER Another Thanksgiving … more family, more food, more celebration.We are thankful for you. Thankful for the comfort that Comfort Silkie has brought into so many lives over the years. Thankful for customers that feel like family. Thankful for the God given opportunity to soothe babies, calm anxiety, bring healing, and make a difference in this crazy [...]

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Fall into Comfort - Live Comfort Strong

Who doesn't love the Fall comforts of pumpkin lattes, colorful leaves, and apple candles? Some breeze through the season changes and holidays with all excitement and joy, however others don’t. The Fall season brings more sadness and sickness that the rest of the year. Here are some comfort tips help you stay well, understand fall feelings, [...]

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